TIP: have your Therapist TAN ready

1x Symptom Program

Choose 1 or more specific issues in the Symptom prgr list and add THIS 1x SYMPTOM product to cart.
Tell us your selection at the checkout! simplle and easy 🙂

Have you made a selection of Symptom programs for 1 or more specific issues you like to work on?

We often provide a list of complementary Healy (pink app) programs to use with the Therapist programs + instructions for use are provided with the transfer.

These Therapist programs are self explanatory and we guarantee that all frequencies, available in the Gold / Healing / RIFE frequency databases, are included.
To avoid any claims, we only provide these wordings but will inform you further over email.

Our Timewaver system has gained decades of experience with microcurrent frequencies, we just like to make it easy for you to get access.


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How can we help you?

Should you have any questions please feel free to contact us. We will come back to you within 1-2 working days.