TIP: have your Therapist TAN ready


The primary organ that requires the most nutrition to work!

Are you a procrastinator and do you lose motivation during mental labour? The brain requires a lot of energy to make things work. This program contains many interesting cerebro-stimulating freq’s, helpful nutrients and more vital vibes for the brain to be nourished:

    • Alaskan Gem Elixir ‘Easy Learning’ Solution. A crystal frequency mix for increased learning abilities.
    • Beta Brainwave freq’s
    • Mono-atomic Gold: a superconductor for brain activity + dopamine booster: more dopamine, means more motivation.
    • Gold Freq’s for Vitality, over 300 freq’s available.
    • Some brain mineral freq’s: like magnesium, silica, potassium
    • and more…

How to use?

  • Max 1x a day.
  • With wristbands possible. Wireless use at full 100% is recommended. (Got Healy Coil? Even better!)
  • Complementary Healy programs for motivation: Go to the Roots, Coherence, Energy, Mental(protection), Liver.


How can we help you?

Should you have any questions please feel free to contact us. We will come back to you within 1-2 working days.