TIP: have your Therapist TAN ready


Is there a program always ready to use for retuning, alignment and general optimization?

A 20 min prgr with 20 freqs that stimulate general neutralisation of negative energies and toxic patterns.

‘A lot of scientific studies have been done on this sequence of frequencies’

A prgr that can be used wirelessly for when there are energetic disturbances, and with electrode wires for physical ‘retuning&alignment’. Often public spaces or living rooms can be filled with energetic disturbances and it’s unclear what causes our body’s & intuitive response. Also our electrical fields can show unease in confronting situations and what could help them stay distributive, relaxed and inspired? An ultimate Coherence program for every situation.

Use when: during & after travel by plane, energetically dirty rooms / spaces, emotional impactful moments, quick coherence needed, for general alignment, healing crisis seems a mystery, during ceremony, mind / body / spirit discomfort.
How to use: max 3x a day with electrodes / wireless use = unlimited use! | more instructions will be provided with order



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